Contact and Rating System

I love books. I write them. I read them. Sometimes I fall asleep curled up with them (though this isn't particularly good for the book and sadly I've had to replace a few favorites along the way). I was an English major and I love fiction of all types; however, my favorites are SciFi, Fantasy, Mysteries and Romance. If you'd like me to review your book, please let me know and I'll be happy to consider it if it catches my interest. I'm currently working on my third book, but it's nice to read the works of others when I tire of myself.
I rate books on a star system, 1 being the worst and 5 being the best (NOTE: All opinions are my own and they are just that, my opinions. Feel free to read the books yourself to see what you think.). If you'd like to contact me to get your book reviewed, feel free to email me at (TJBookBlog (at) gmail (dot) com) or leave me a post here and I'll get back with you.

Completely to be determined by me: If I think the book you'd like to have reviewed looks interesting and it's not too pricey in e-book format, there won't be a need to send me a review copy. I support indie publishing.

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All comments will be reviewed. That does not mean negative comments will not be posted. I am just interested in weeding out spam and comments with what would be considered truly offensive language. If you can state your likes and dislikes with that in mind, the posts will not be removed.