Saturday, April 14, 2012

Trixie & Me (Galactic Exploration) by Peter Cawdron

Book Description: Trixie & Me is the second in a series of stand-alone novellas exploring alternatives to the Rare Earth Hypothesis in the search for extraterrestrial intelligence.

Trixie and Berry are trapped on an alien space ship. Berry can't move, but he seems to understand what's going on. Trixie is confused, she has no recollection of how they ended up in the dark depths of an alien war craft. She struggles to comprehend even the simplest of concepts, struggling to speak, but she is free of her chains, so she is Berry's only hope. They must escape their captors and warn humanity about this sinister threat coming from the galactic core.

Review 5 of 5 Stars:
The author requested that I read/review this book. What a great and unexpected ending. I love a good twist and this one was totally unexpected. Unfortunately, I can't tell you more than that or it'll ruin the whole experience.  All in all this was a great story.  It was a little slow at the beginning, but picked up nicely on the way and moved along at a good pace once it got going.  When you get to the end you finally realize what was being built, though at no point in the story did I expect the conclusion to be what it was.  Mr. Cawdron's writings improve and become more intriguing with each new tale he produces and I look forward to reading the next in this series of novellas exploring the search for intelligent life.  This story was cohesive and intriguing.  The ideas were fresh and well thought out and I truly enjoyed it.  Thus far, I've enjoyed Mr. Cawdron's various stories and look forward to seeing more from this up and coming independent author.

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