Saturday, July 27, 2013

The Demon Rolmar by A.V. Griffin

Description:  Rolmar is a heartless, misanthropic demon who serves as one of the three overlords of Pentar, a planet in the Amenis dimension. When Rolmar’s brethren bestow upon him the illustrious task of destroying Earth, his growing curiosity of humans adds a momentary pause to his original plan. Still intent on annihilating Earth, Rolmar extends his stay in order to discover what makes humanity unique. 

However, when Adam, a quirky college student, crosses paths with the all-powerful demon, one fateful night will change his life forever. Haunted by nightmares of his mind-blowing encounter, Adam can’t return to his normal life. His only path to solace is attempting to convince the demon that Earth is worth saving. With the fate of the world on their shoulders, will Adam and his friends be able to convince Rolmar that they and all of mankind should be spared?

Review 4 of 5 Stars

I received a request from the author to read this story and I have to say that The Demon Rolmar by A.V. Griffin was such a fun read.  It was not at all what I expected from the description when I sat down to read it.

Now you may be thinking that me saying that means the description doesn't really give a good idea of the story and yet it does.  It does not, however, prepare you for a story that doesn't take itself too seriously and is great fun to read.  It was clever, fun, well executed and I really enjoyed watching the demon's character progress through the story.  The writing was tight and I didn't notice any of the copy editing errors you see in a lot of independent work.

I liked the care taken to show us the demon's home world Pentar as well as some of the nifty tricks employed by the Pentarians and took it into the realm of science fiction rather than just a fantasy story.  I don't want to give away too much, because some of what was so enjoyable are the unexpected mischievous things and I really don't want to spoil those.  I will say it made me chuckle on more than one occasion.

This isn't a very long story (I read it in an evening), but the characters were vivid, it was a good story overall and I really liked it.  I think the end wrapped up a little too neatly, but I wasn't necessarily disappointed in the ending either.  So there you have it.  If you enjoy a little science fiction with your fantasy and want a chance to chuckle a few times along the way this might be just the story for you.

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