Sunday, May 20, 2012

Savannah by Peter Cawdron

Book Description: Savannah is the third in a series of stand-alone novellas exploring alternatives to the Rare Earth Hypothesis in the search for extraterrestrial intelligence.

How did a nurse from Chicago find herself on a voyage to the outer reaches of the galaxy? After taking up a position in an exclusive hotel in Kenya, Diana finds her world turned upside down by the advent of the equatorial space-port. 

Review 5 of 5 Stars:

As I have enjoyed his other works, I happily settled down to read Savannah, Peter Cawdron's most recent addition to the set of novellas he's been working on in his exploration of the Rare Earth hypothesis and how mankind might go about searching for extraterrestrial life. Having read the other novellas he has written in this series, I was ready to see where the latest installment would take me as I still had unanswered questions and was truly interested to see where the story was going. Gladly, I can say that I very much enjoyed Savannah and was pleased that it tied together several of the things in the previous novellas that I felt were missing. This volume really tied together the pieces for me from Serengeti and it was interesting to see meet the characters in Trixie and Me in a different setting before they set out on their explorations. I will freely admit that I was a little confused as the story got started since the others were further along the timeline, but I immediately recognized the characters and was more than willing to explore their stories more as I felt I'd been left hanging regarding the story of these characters when I first read about them in Serengeti. As I had hoped from the description I was soon drawn into the characters and the story of how it all began, which I very much enjoyed reading and I was disappointed when it had to end. I'm afraid that to say more would give away too much and lessen the enjoyment for readers. In reviewing this, I wish that I could say I'm only reviewing Savannah which was very interesting, had some wonderfully fun and unusual humorous moments and kept my attention from start to finish. However, having now read three of the stories in this series it's kind of like reading a really good book that covers several different story lines in sections. In fact, it reminds me of reading serial science fiction where you had to wait expectantly for the next month's issue to come out. I definitely suggest Savannah to readers and am waiting expectantly for the next issue in a manner of speaking...

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